
12 Best Sunscreens to Protect Your Tattoos

12 Best Sunscreens to Protect Your Tattoos

Cosmopolitan posted "12 Best Sunscreens to Protect Your Tattoos" The article includes Visha Skincare founder, Dr. Purvisha Patel shares her expert insights on the best best way to protect and to preserve tattoos young and old. Your ink will thank you in 40 years. PSA: Whether you just got some new ink (congrats, btw), or you’ve had yours for years, you still need a sunscreen for your tattoos at all times. Seriously. And it's not just for your skin's general protection—but for the ink's, too. “Recently tattooed skin is more sensitive and more prone to sun damage,” says Dendy Engelman, MD, board-certified dermatologist at Shafer...

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Make Your Sensitive Skin Love You by Nourishing It With These IngredientsHaute Living

Make Your Sensitive Skin Love You by Nourishing It With These IngredientsHaute Living

Haute Living posted "Make Your Sensitive Skin Love You by Nourishing It With These Ingredients" The article includes Visha Skincare founder, Dr. Purvisha Patel's expert advice for folks with sensitive skin to avoid disrupting the skin barrier. Born in London, Dr. Purvisha Patel was raised in Wales (United Kingdom) and Virginia. She completed her undergraduate and medical school studies at the University of Virginia. She completed her dermatology training at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. Dr. Patel is certified by the American Board of Dermatology and is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Dr. Patel’s...

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‘I’m a Dermatologist, and These Are the 8 Best Products for Fighting and Preventing Bacne’

‘I’m a Dermatologist, and These Are the 8 Best Products for Fighting and Preventing Bacne’

Well and Good posted "I’m a Dermatologist, and These Are the 8 Best Products for Fighting and Preventing Bacne" The article includes Visha Skincare founder, Dr. Purvisha Patel's expert insights on Visha Skincare Top 2 Tow All in One Body Wash to effectively treats acne all over the body---not just the breakouts on the back.  Acne can be a nightmare on its own, but if you’ve ever experienced a painful, huge zit right in the middle of your back where you can’t reach it, then you know that’s a specific kind of hell. Which is why you may want to invest in a body...

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Why Our Faces Look Different Just After We Wake Up

Why Our Faces Look Different Just After We Wake Up

LAD Bible posted "Why Our Faces Look Different Just After We Wake Up" The article includes Visha Skincare founder, Dr. Purvisha Patel's expert advice on how to stave off some of the causes of puffy morning face.Everyone knows the feeling, you've just woken up and are ready to begin the day when you look in the mirror and see that your face looks scarily different to when you went to sleep.Your eyes and face look puffy, your skin is full of wrinkles and despite your night of rest you look weirdly tired. But why does this occur and why does it happen so regularly?Ultimately there's number of...

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This TikTok Exposes a Big Skin-Care Mistake Regarding Hyaluronic Acid

This TikTok Exposes a Big Skin-Care Mistake Regarding Hyaluronic Acid

Shape posted "This TikTok Exposes a Big Skin-Care Mistake Regarding Hyaluronic Acid" The article includes Visha Skincare founder, Dr. Purvisha Patel's expert advice hyaluronic acid to moisturize your skin, and how to make sure your skin doesn't end up drier than before. Depending on how you apply your favorite hyaluronic acid skin-care product, it may actually contribute to dehydration. By now, you probably own at least one skin-care product featuring hyaluronic acid. The sugar molecule has a stronghold over skin-care afficianados, beauty influencers, and derms alike thanks to its ability to draw in and hold onto water. But there's a good chance you're using it...

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